Lakeside Dental
Payment Plans to Fit Your Needs
Payment Plans to Fit Your Needs
We are delighted to offer Lakeside Dental Plan, our very own plans designed to assist our patients in spreading the costs of important routine treatment.
All patients who join the plan benefit from a Worldwide Accident & Emergency Insurance policy and a 10% discount on selected practice treatments.
Lakeside Dental
Healthcare Plans
There are several options to choose from to suit your individual needs and budget.
Children under 8 years old can receive a free annual check up and 50% off treatment if their parents are on plan.
*All plans include Worldwide Accident & Emergency insurance
Lakeside Dental
Worldwide Accident & Emergency Insurance Cover
What does the worldwide accident & emergency insurance cover?
The purpose of this policy is to provide an insured person with dental services as described hereafter during the period of cover for treatment of dental conditions by a dentist.
What are the emergency treatment benefits?
We will pay for emergency treatment up to the maximum value of £500 per incident, up to £2000 for the year.
What about treatment following an accident?
If an insured person requires treatment following an accident occurring during the period of cover, benefit will be paid for the cost of such treatment up to the limits specified below, up to a maximum annual aggregate of £12,000. The insurance also provides hospital cash benefit, oral cancer benefit and permanent facial disfigurement.
*The insurance includes cover for emergency treatment worldwide and in the UK, treatment arising from an accident, hospital in-patient cash benefit and £3,000 lump sum for oral cancer.